Tuesday 11 October 2011

Unorganized Items


 This time I found an unusual PC games shop in Berjaya Megamall, Kuantan. When the first time I entered the shop I never expect that I had entered a PC games shop. This is because the shop is so empty. There are no games advertisements, computer, and other things that related to the computer. In the shop there were a polite uncle who sit in front of drawers block. He is the owner of the shop.

First thing I did in the shop is I look around the shop and I realize there are many PC games CD inside the glass of wall cabinet. Then I had ask the uncle for a CD game. Then he began to search for it. Firstly, he search the number of the games from his book. Secondly, he wrote the number on a paper (maybe he afraid he would forget the number of the CD game).

- The problem of this way is he needs several minutes to search for a CD game number.

Then, using the paper he searched for the CD in some full CD drawers. It took several minutes for him to find the CD game.

- This also takes several minutes for him to get the CD game because he had to seek the drawers one by one.

I found that this kind of way of searching for a CD is an old-fashioned way. It is slow and takes much time. People nowadays always wanted  fastest service whenever they are. So that, customers will hate it when a service like this is applied in a shop. This will take much of their time.


The solution of the problems are :

The uncle have to labelled his CD games into several groups and make it well organized. This could help him to search for CD game much more faster.

He also have to labelled his drawers and organize the CD games into the suitable labelled drawers. By this, he doesn't have to seek for CD games from one drawer to another drawers. As example, if a customer wanted a fighting CD game, so he just have to seek for it in 'fighting' labelled drawer without seek in other labelled drawers.

The easiest way is he just have to get a computer and installed for search software as the Nodus CD-Key Manager. By using this, he just have to type the name of the CD game. Then the software will search for specific of the CD game, in which drawer it is, what is it number. This kind of way will help him reduce the time used to search for CD game.



2) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjg8xVk2Dt74TNRHpGzvPCePs0R3XQhXv7ycsshc7FZy-KTnc903tOFVMs_ZbpmA-KvrdU6Z-Tv-1bBmep1V0ssGHp_yuI_X4qqovGN-eWqElrpnFPCjJREhIemEIOAHYtpbYtFsYNgVWM/s1600/103_2171.JPG

3) http://www.google.com.my/imgres?q=organized+cd+shop&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&biw=1366&bih=662&tbm=isch&tbnid=QaYYsZpp9cY3uM:&imgrefurl=http://www.nodusus.com/keymgr.htm&docid=shcljN13w5WIeM&w=407&h=327&ei=dJKUTrD5EoiqrAfgoM3CBg&zoom=1

Updated by Mohamad Aznil Shamzani Bin Bismi

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